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"Life has no remote.

If you want to change the channel, you have to get up and do it yourself."

Elizabeth Walker

Change Is An Inside Job

Real change begins within you. It starts in the depths of your heart and mind, where your strength lies, where you hold the power to shape your destiny and to break free from the chains that have held you captive.


Embrace this power, even if it feels small right now. Remember, every victory starts with a single step.


Your journey through recovery is like a grand renovation project, but instead of sprucing up a house, you're remodelling your very self. The path might seem daunting at times, but with every step you take, you transform.


Don't be afraid to stumble; remember, it's in the rising that we truly find our strength.


Each sunrise brings a new opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to change. Every time you make a choice aligned with your recovery, you're rewriting the narrative of your life; you're not just recovering – you're rediscovering, and that's where the magic truly happens!

Together We Can...

  • Create an environment of collaborative support based on your challenges and goals. 

  • Break the destructive patterns that have been hindering your daily life and relationships.

  • Design a personalised pathway around your unique needs and preferences to ensure sustained progress.

  • Embrace your wholeness, allowing you to free yourself from reliance on substances or unhelpful habits.

  • Discover what a purposeful life is for you beyond recovery. 

  • Embark on a transformative journey that knows no boundaries.​


The E.W.  Five PillarApproach


Become the love of your life and fully accept yourself as you are, a work in progress. Clear out the stories that have been keeping you small and holding you back to prepare yourself for success.


Reconnect with your

inner warrior!

Clarify what makes the fire in your belly burn and develop the ability to take action with tenacity and ease.


Create a clear vision of your dream, an infallible plan to achieve it and become effective with your time and energy. Equipped with the awareness to tackle life's challenges.


Get in touch with your inner GPS! Become comfortable with feeling uncomfortable and have the ability to empower yourself regardless of what is going on around you.


Define your purpose, become the best version of yourself and invite a power greater than yourself to join you on this human adventure.

How I Can Help

Breaking free from addiction

Develop a sustainable pathway defining your own concept of recovery and become your own empowerment warrior.

Grow into your glow and reclaim your power. Embrace courage and confidence to pursue the life of your dreams fearlessly.

Promote sustained client recovery through online aftercare group programs or 1:1 recovery coaching supporting your clients transition.

Experience profound calmness, inner balance, and enhanced vitality through the synergy of energy healing and meditation practices.

"The transition into my day-to-day life, my family coming back to me, my work, keeping recovery a priority was challenging and would have been an awful lot harder had I not had the safety of aftercare with Elizabeth.

Her specific treatment of helping with that transition I couldn't recommend highly enough." - Ben, UK 

What Others Are Saying...

"Elizabeth has been a really big part of my healing journey and helped me see old beliefs, patterns and helped me to release and let go of fears and blockages that were keeping me stuck." - Natalie, The Netherlands

Why Start Now?

Research proves that having a coach's support triumphs over the solitary journey.


Postponing change could cost you everything – relationships, career, finances, and your inner peace.

Don't let addiction dictate your destiny.


Seize this moment to secure a brighter future. Take the leap; secure invaluable support today!

  • See your challenges differently, gaining valuable insights.

  • Process, thrive, and evolve securely within your sobriety journey.

  • Ease the transition from treatment to daily life.

  • Uncover your authentic journey and purpose.

  • Rewrite behaviours by altering beliefs, thoughts, and actions.

  • Cultivate confidence, enrich relationships, and find a new purpose.

  • Develop core values and a fulfilling lifestyle.

  • Uncover happiness in a life of sobriety.

  • Stay committed and achieve goals through consistent action.

  • Wake up eager to fill your day with positivity.

You Can Expect to Experience the Following...


Is Coaching A Good Fit For You?

Book An Exploration Call

Due to the extensive and personalised nature of my programs, a limited number of spaces are available.

Book today to get started!

Coaching isn't for everyone, but that's perfectly okay. To truly uncover whether coaching is the right path for you, let's take a moment to connect, chat, and explore your unique journey.

If you're curious and eager to dive in, I invite you to book a complimentary 30-minute exploration call below.

It's your opportunity to discover the incredible potential within you, and together, we'll ignite the spark of motivation that will drive you forward.

Is Coaching A Good Fit For You?

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